Welcome to Universal Health Thesis & Publications Hub: open and free access to quality thesis, peer reviewed articles and policy documents.
Health Thesis Hub only publishes material submitted electronically by registered users. Users may submit Thesis & Dissertations for publications under the following terms and conditions:
Thesis Hub strongly recommends that authors should adhere to the ICMJE recommendations for preparation and publication of academic materials.
Provide a title of the study.
Numbered SectionsDivide your material into clearly defined and numbered sections/ subsections. Each heading should appear on its own separate line.
AbstractsMay be up to 300 words and with no references.
IntroductionProvide background for the study.
MethodsShould be clear and logically consistent. Provide details about why and how the study was done. See ICMJE for further details.
ResultsProvide findings from the work being reported.
DiscussionDiscuss the important findings of the study and the conclusions in the context of the current available research evidence. See ICMJE for more details.
ReferencesEither Vancouver or APA format. See ICMJE for further instructions.
Tables & IllustrationsThey should be numbered consecutively and provide a self explanatory title.
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